Who is Sunshine Beagles?
We are a South Florida beagle nonprofit & community who comes together for fun & to give back to the greater community.
Sunshine Beagles is founded upon fun, friendship, and charitable efforts. Our community radiates positivity, and fosters strong, meaningful connections that make powerful impacts both locally and beyond.​
Each one of our beagles and our beagle parents have made this beautiful community shine!

Meet the Founder

Natasha Ibarra
Hi! I'm Natasha, and my beagles are Bella and Jack, plus my angel Thumper. What I started as a small group of beagle friends in 2020 has grown and blossomed beyond any expectation! Our community is now hundreds of beagles (and pawrents!) strong, and the friendships we have built are like no other. I cannot thank all the beautiful individuals enough who have come together to make this group a beautiful family.
If you are new to this community, I give you a warm, warm welcome to Sunshine Beagles. Thank you for joining!